Why Do We Evaluate
The visual world and the written word go hand in hand as words are used to describe the visual world as images are generated from the written world. We humans live vicariously through art.....it's how we grapple with and interpret reality. By looking at anything closer, we come to understand it better because art is threaded into the human DNA and art transcends all linguistic barriers.
Journalist and Artist couldn't be more alike than you think....both respond to the world through the medium that theist know best. Just as images are generated by the words that journalist use, words are conjured up through the images that artist create. This happens through the innovative use of similies, metaphores, and analogies to substantiae their claim.
Evaluating Art
It's on that note that I want the students to show their ability to properly critique and evaluate art.
1. Choosing from the artwork above or one of their choosig, the students are to write about one that they personally connect with.
2. Answer the question to the "Art Evaluation" sheet below to guide you
3. The image of the artwork you're critiquing must be included.
Your response should be the equivalent 3/4 to 1 full page.....so be particular when choosing your art and thorough in writing your response. Because I prefer 1.5 spacing, you should be typing approximately 300 words

Your Assignment

Click to Enlarge
the "Art Evaluation" sheet
Afterwards, read the assingment instructions, and email your respose to me.
Jouralist vs. Artist
Watch the James Bond scened below
Click on an image to enlarge
Submit to Canvas