Chihuly began experimenting with glassblowing in mid 1960's, received various colleg dregrees during this time, and became close friends with Italo Scanga. Chihuly earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in sculpture from the RISD in 1968.
After spending considerable amout of time in Venice and Malano, Chihuly returned to the United States and became a teacher for a while. From there, he would travel to and from Europe meeting artists and perfecting his craft. In 2013, Dale Chihuly received an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts.
In 1976, Chihuly was involved in a bad car accident while he was in England. Unfortunatel, he lost the use of his left eye from this accident. After recovering, he continued glass blowing until he injured his right shoulder while bodysurfing.
Chihuly returned to his native Pacific Northwest in 1983 where he continued to develop his own work at the Pilchuck Glass School. Since he wasn't able to hold the glassblowing pipe, he started hirin other artists to do the work. In a 2006 interview, Chihuly said, "Once I stepped back, I liked the view", and said that it allowed him to see the work from more perspectives, enabling him to anticipate problems earlier. Chihuly's role has been described as "more choreographer than dancer, more supervisor than participant, more director than actor"

Color coffee filters with various markers. You can put a design on the filter as long as the entire filter is colored.
Write your name on a small card as this will be the base inside your cup.
When completely colored wrap the filter around around a plastic cup and secured it with a rubber band.

Dale ChihulyChil

Your Assignment


Click on the color wheel for ideas and inspirations!

The teacher will then spray the filter with starch - this will stiffen the project and allow the colors run and blend together
We put their name card inside the cup and put it on a shelf to dry.
On the next class, you will write you name on a fresh card and glued it to the bottom of their bowl.

Finished product! Put a flameless tealight for a great effect!